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Rayson L.

First Home Buyers - Time To Get Ready

First Home Buyer Advice

First home buyers: Get ready to pounce.

With the Coalition retaining government, the 5% first home buyer deposit looks set to come true.

Buying your first home need not be a daunting experience.

Here are 5 pointers to help you get prepared.

1. Get your finances ready

Do you know how much would the banks lend you? A good mortgage broker can help you secure the right mortgage and structure.

2. Find out your serviceability

Have a good idea of how much you can set aside for the mortgage repayments each month.

3. Define your property strategy

The first home is going to be your biggest purchase, and it can set you up for success or failure. Get it right. The right property can set you up for quick property investment success. Conversely, the wrong property can set you up for long term stress.

4. Primary Place of Residence (PPR) or Rent-vest?

Do you want to use the property as your home? Or are you opened to other ideas? Did you know you can have your first home for as low as $10,000? It's all about making the right options and living the lifestyle you want.

5. Consider Engaging a Buyer's Agent.

There are more than 1 way to own a property. A good Buyer's Agent does not simply help you to buy a property. He/she will understand your motivations and purpose of buying a property, and recommend the best strategy to start your property buying journey.

Did you know, buying a property the DIY way can take up to 6 to 12 months? The buying process, dealing with real estate agents and putting together your offer and negotiating is often a time consuming and stressful journey.

Buyer's Agents can reduce that by half. Plus, they deal with the tricks which selling agents play.

Many clients have told us they should have engaged our Buyer Agent services from the start, as it is faster, stress-free, and cost efficient way to purchase a property.

Have a chat with us, we've helped many first home buyers. We can help you too.

Just for reading this post, and for a limited time, we're offering a massive 25% discount off our "Sit-back-and-Relax" full service buyer package. We can also refer you to mortgage brokers who will provide you with the best financing options from over 50 lenders.

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